New Grayscale Image Encryption Based on Advanced Encryption Standard and DNA Sequence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Msc. Student of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Computer Engineering Department,, Amirkabir University of Technology (Garmsar Campus), Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


An image is a visual representation of something that has been created or copied and stored in electronic form. Securing images is becoming an important concern in today’s information security due to the extensive use of images that are either transmitted over a network or stored on disks. Since public media are unreliable and vulnerable to attacks, Image encryption is the most effective way to fulfil confidentiality and protect the privacy of images over an unreliable public media.
In this paper a new image encryption algorithm based on Advanced Encryption Standard and DNA sequence is proposed. We present how to encode and decode data in a DNA sequence based on Codon replacement and how to perform the different steps of AES based DNA. The algorithm is implemented in MATLAB 2012b and various performance metrics are used to evaluate its efficacy. The theoretical and experimental analysis show that the proposed algorithm is efficient in speed and precision. Furthermore, the security analysis proves that proposed algorithm has a good resistance against the noise and known attacks; So that Unbreakability of proposed algorithm is 37.48% better than the compared algorithms.
